eBooksWriter LITE 2008.18.218

Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2008 at 05.09
Create an ebook with ease with this professional all-in-one tool. Not just a compiler! Build a compact self installing EXE with one click, or an AEH file suitable for the free EBooksReader. Several protections available: clipboard copy disabling; password(s) for different groups of pages; different passwords for different users; expiry date... Full text/keyword search. Frames, hot spots, audio, video, visual links, popups... Free LITE. Released: 2008-04-15
  1. License: Freeware
  2. Publisher: Visual Vision
  3. Language: English, Italian, Spanish
  4. Platform: Vista, Windows
  5. Requirements: 32M RAM, 32M HD

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